What should I check on the gas bottle?
There all kinds of commercial CO2 gas cylinders. It is advisable to take the short version (small “compact” bottle with handle) with at least a fill weight of 20-22 lbs (10KG) in shape. This can be economically refilled or exchanged for full bottles and are still easy to carry from the weight.
Here are two options of these bottle sizes to choose from:
Gas cylinders without a dip tube (syphon tube) valve must be upside down during filling or be turned so that the liquid CO2 can flow into the cylinder.
Gas cylinders with a dip tube (syphon tube) valve (Also called immersion tube) however, do not have to be rotated during filling and are therefore more comfortable.
Both options have the same result.
(It can also used bigger CO2 tanks with e.g., 35 lbs.)
Which gas cylinders fits the adapter?
CGA 320 Carbon dioxide (CO2) gas cylinders all have a standardized right-hand gas thread and match the CO2 adapter.
intake: 0,825″ x 1/14“ RH Female CGA 320
(CGA=Compressed Gas Association – US standard)
Gas cylinder connections per US standard
Due to the standardized connection (CGA 320) with carbon dioxide gas bottles, you can use the adapter in USA and Canada.
The standard connection is also equivalent to the conventional CO2 gas cylinder connections in many other countries. Ask your local gas Distributor.
Additional information: Gas Cylinder Valve
The carbon dioxide gas cylinders, there are two different types of valves functioning.
Valves “without a return valve” can be used for filling both gaseous and liquid CO2.
For removal of liquid CO2, valves “with a return valve” must additionally be opened manually.
The residual pressure valves are also referred to as “RPV-valves” (Residual Pressure Valve).
RPV valves are used to prevent the penetration of dirt into the cylinder. (Therefore, cylinders without RPV valves does not empty completely and leaves no residual pressure.)
The filling result is identical for two valves.
Gas cylinder valves without RPV (examples)
The valve opening without RPV is free till the back the valve pin.
Gas cylinder valves with RPV valve type (examples)
For valves with RPV an additional valve is inserted in the through hole.
If you want to use a CO2 tank with RPV valve please contact us.
The adapter “Pro 2 plus US-version” is already prepared to work with rpv valve types.
Recommended filling conditions for carbon dioxide cylinder
- CO2-Adapter
- Carbon dioxide tank without RPV valve
- 20-22 lbs (10 KG) CO2 gas bottle without dip tube, short version with carrying handle (see Fig. Above / right)
The advantage of “normal” gas cylinders without syphon tube is an optimum price / performance ratio in terms of carbon dioxide fills. In addition, the cylinders are widely available.
(CO2 Tank with dip tube/ syphon tube, do not have to be rotated, making them more comfortable. However, this type is not common, thus somewhat more expensive to buy and the fillings are mainly done by gas distributors.)
CO2 tank size should be at least 20 lbs filling quantity. (filling with smaller bottles doesn’t work)
One way to turn the twisted bottle, prepare a stable board with a hole in the center, with the handle of the gas cylinder still resting well. The valve can be turned up and down from below through the hole.
The board should, on both sides, have a secure support surface and be sturdy enough.